In the framework of WP3, the FoSaMed project organises a Training of Teachers (ToT) whose aim is to build capacities and to improve scientific and technical knowledge exploitable on the labour market.
The ToT is developed through online modules and webinars in addition to an on-site Lab Training which will take place in July 2022. Moreover, a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) will be designed to engage local stakeholders and citizens on Food Safety in Morocco, with the joint participation of European and Moroccan teachers.
The main purposes are: identification and transference of the best teaching practices; improvement of learning processes; analyse the technological and methodological framework; implementation of international teaching methodologies; upgrade of technical skills; share of knowledge on Food Safety between EU and Moroccan HEI partners.
32 Moroccan professors (8 from each local university) are involved in the training for the technical and the methodological upgrading. The more active and participative ones will be involved in the implementation of the Master frontal lessons.
1️⃣ The first webinar of the Training of Teacher, entitled “Mediterranean Diet: pattern and adherence“, was held on the 16th March 2022 via Zoom. The agenda is available here
2️⃣ The second webinar on e-Learning and Open Education was held on the 13th April 2022 via Zoom. In the agenda you can find suggested readings and useful links in addition to the programme of the session.
3️⃣ The third webinar on Food Waste Valorisation was held on the 30th May 2022 via Zoom. Have a look at the agenda and enjoy the recording