Training of Teachers (ToT)
The main aim of this WP and the focus of the whole project is to build capacities, to improve scientific and technical knowledge and to be able to transfer it to the labour market.
The ToT is developed through online modules and webinars in addition to an on-site Lab Training which took place in July 2022. Moreover, a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is being designed to engage local stakeholders and citizens on Food Safety in Morocco, with the joint participation of European and Moroccan teachers.
The main purposes are: identification and transference of the best teaching practices; improvement of learning processes; analyse the technological and methodological framework; implementation of international teaching methodologies; upgrade of technical skills; share of knowledge on Food Safety between EU and Moroccan HEI partners.
32 Moroccan professors (8 from each local university) are involved in the training for the technical and the methodological upgrading. The more active and participative ones will be involved in the implementation of the Master frontal lessons.
1️⃣ The first webinar of the Training of Teacher, entitled “Mediterranean Diet: pattern and adherence“, was held on the 16th March 2022. The agenda is available here
2️⃣ The second webinar on e-Learning and Open Education was held on the 13th April 2022. In the agenda you can find suggested readings and useful links in addition to the programme of the session.
3️⃣ The third webinar on Food Waste Valorisation was held on the 30th May 2022. The agenda is available here
4️⃣ The fourth webinar on Virtual Exchange was held on the 24th February 2023. The agenda is available here
5️⃣ The fifth webinar on MOOCs – Massive Open Online Courses was held on the 27th April 2023. Agenda available
In addition to those webinars, three face-to-face trainings were held at the University of Barcelona (Spain) and at the University of Évora (Portugal) in July 2022 and at the Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan-II (Morocco) in July 2023.
According to the needs assessed and the feedback on the studying of the individual online materials, about 30 Moroccan teachers from the four partner institutions of the project (Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan-II, Université IBN Tofail, Ecole Nationale D’Agriculture de Meknes and Université Mohammed Premier – Oujda) exchanged their teaching and learning methodologies and upgraded their technical skills through on-site lessons and lab activities with EU colleagues.
Indeed, the main objective of this task is to build capacities, to improve scientific and technical knowledge and to be able to transfer it to the labor market.
Workshop I, entitled “Techniques in Food Safety” was held at the University of Barcelona, Campus de l’Alimentació de Torribera, from July 18-22, 2022. Find out more on the agenda and the list of teachers.
Workshop II was held at the University of Evora from July 25 to 29, 2022.
The activity aimed at the acquisition of new teaching methodologies and the improvement of pedagogical techniques in laboratory context, specifically in the area of food safety. The acquired skills will be applied within the framework of the implementation of the new Master in Food Safety starting from this academic year, in Moroccan universities. Find out more on the agenda and the list of teachers.
Workshop III was held at the Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan-II from July 18 to 21, 2023.
The workshop was dedicated to the realization of practical activities related to technologies and analyses in the field of food safety, with a focus on Mediterranean food products (milk, olive oil, honey, etc.). It had joint work sessions, between teachers from the different partner HEIs, to prepare and plan the classes of the modules of the future Master in Food Safety that will start in the academic year 2023/2024, and of the MOOC in “Healthy, safe and sustainable food in the Mediterranean”.
Find out more on the agenda and the list of teachers.
D3.1 Best teaching practices guidelines
D3.2 32 trained Moroccan teachers
D3.3 MOOC ready and online
This project has been funded with support from the European Union. This website reflects the view only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. The project number is 618518-EPP-T-2020-1-PT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP