University Ibn Tofail
Kenitra, Morocco
About our organization
Founded in 1989, University Ibn Tofail is a public university located in the Rabat-Salé-Kenitra region, known as one of the richest in Morocco. It enjoys assets in the fields of economic growth. This geographical location, grants it a role in the economic development in: Agriculture, agribusiness, environment…
The University is strongly involved in the preservation of the environment and actively participates in the realization of sustainable green projects, which gives it the identity of a “Green and Open University”. Its participation in this project will allow it to further accomplish its economic, environmental and social missions.
Why we are partecipating in the project
By participating in this project, UIT will, through the introduction of this master’s degree, contribute to the training of graduates aware of all preventive and corrective measures concerning food safety in the region’s industries. The UIT will also contribute to supply the job market with future professionals capable of meeting the requirements of sustainable development in terms of quality and food safety. The
participation in this project will allow UIT to play its role as an instrument of improvement and development within the production chain of the agri-food sector.
Our role in the project
For the realization and the success of the FoSaMed project related to the creation of the master: food safety, UIT contributes to the WP1 which concerns the Assessment of Needs and the curricula analysis by elaborating:
– The UIT Assessment of Needs Report
– The UIT curricula analysis Report
– The three surveys: Students, Teachers and Professionals via Google forms
– The needs assessment and curricula analysis report for the four partners
– The report of the results of the survey
UIT will participate in:
– The preparation of the accreditation documents for the new Joint Master.
Our Team

Management Committee

Scientific Committee



This project has been funded with support from the European Union. This website reflects the view only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. The project number is 618518-EPP-T-2020-1-PT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP