FoSaMed – Enhancing Food Safety in the Mediterranean

About FoSaMed

The main objective of the project is the development of a joint Master’s Programme, within the curricula of 4 Moroccan universities, namely the Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine (IAV), the National School of Agriculture of Meknès (ENA), Ibn Tofail University (IBN) and Mohammed I University (UMP), supported by the project coordinator the University of Évora (UEVORA), the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Mediterranean Universities Union (UNIMED).

The project aims to develop new approaches and methodologies and to promote wider participation in higher education. Such participation enhances social inclusion through economic, social and civil means. From an occupational perspective, participation in higher education can be understood as enabling a transformation of identity and socio-economic status through the transitional occupation of student, to become a worker and a professional.

The objectives of the FoSaMed project include to qualify Moroccan academics for modern and innovative teaching methodologies, to support Moroccan HEIs in designing a Master Programme on food safety associated to the recovery and promotion of the traditional Mediterranean diet and to short food supply chains, and to contribute to inclusive higher education, which integrates underprivileged groups, such as women, rural populations and refugees and gives them equal access to knowledge and the opportunities it brings.

FENAGRI is the associate partner which actively contributes to identify national sector priorities and link academy with organizations and companies in the agri-food industry.

The Federation contributes in the assessment of market and sector needs, especially in terms of professional qualification needs, and has a pivotal role in facilitating access to internships, providing data for the preparation of thesis, and supporting the integration of postgraduates in the labour market.

FENAGRI is fundamental in the creation of the FoSAMED collaborative network too. FENAGRI’s association with the project is an opportunity to revitalize its connection with the universities through CETIA (Centre Technique de l’Industrie Agroalimentaire), coordinated by the federation and the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and New Technologies. The project also benefits from the partnership with the CFAP (Centre de Formation en Agroalimentaire et Plasturgie), under FENAGRI management.

The following actions will be developed in order to develop innovative pedagogical approaches and new learning settings.


An innovative e-learning training for food safety coordinated by EU partners, using didactic modules and integrated tools. 

This activity includes: the development of new teaching materials, video lessons and digital content; the implementation of an interactive e-learning space; the establishment of 8 computer workstations and food safety labs in the 4 Moroccan HEIs which will be used within the new Joint Master Programme.


Workshops coordinated by UEVORA and UB to enhance the quality of the teaching methods.

The didactic modules are jointly developed by European and Moroccan teachers. Moroccan teachers apply the new methodologies in their existing teaching and evaluate them to suggest improvements before the Master’s is launched.


A MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) about Food safety in Morocco developed.

Didactic modules based on video and digital resources are jointly developed by all the partners. The MOOC is conceived to involve local communities and integrate traditional practices and scientific knowledge. The MOOC is designed to reach a wider audience, potentially the whole Moroccan population regardless of the educational level.



A Joint Master’s Programme on food safety in the involved Moroccan HEIs.

Project duration

From 15 January 2021 to 14 November 2024


Project No




European Commission, Erasmus+, KA2 – Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education 


Specific Objectives

  • Training of 32 teachers in Moroccan partner higher education institutions
  • Improvement of the curricular offer by creating a new Joint Master Programme on Food Safety and improving the quality of teaching and learning at the four Moroccan partner universities
  • Creation of a international multi-stakeholder collaborative and educational network on Food Safety


Project Timeline

    Corso - Prima sessione


    Curricula analysis and assessment of needs

      T1.1 Assessment of needs

      T1.2 Curricula analysis

      T1.3. Preparation of the accreditation documents for the new Joint Master


      Curriculum design and development

        T2.1 Design of the new Joint Master Programme on Food Safety

        T2.2 Development of new learning materials

        T2.3 Development and installation of an e-learning space, and content uploading

        T2.4 Installation of food safety labs and workstations

        Corso - Seconda sessione
        Corso - Terza sessione


        Training of Teachers (ToT)

          T3.1 Planning of ToT plan and development of training materials

          T3.2 Teachers training

          T3.3 MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) development and implementation


          Pilot implementation of the Master Programme

            T4.1 Announcement of the new joint Master at the 4 Moroccan HEIs

            T4.2 Selection of students

            T4.3 Joint Master Programme Implementation

            T4.4 Monitoring of Master implementation

            Elite veneers
            Corso - Terza sessione


            Quality evaluation

              T5.1 Internal Quality Assurance

              T5.2 Quality Evaluation by an External Advisory Board


              Dissemination & Exploitation strategies

                T6.1 Dissemination and Exploitation plan

                T6.2 Creation of digital spaces, dissemination and exploitation activities and materials

                T6.3 Development of a collaborative network

                Elite veneers
                Corso - Terza sessione


                Project Management

                  T7.1 Project Start-Up

                  T7.2 Project coordination

                  T7.3 Administrative, logistic and financial management

                  T7.4 Project closure

                  Project Timeline


                    Curricula analysis and assessment of needs

                      T1.1 Assessment of needs

                      T1.2 Curricula analysis

                      T1.3. Preparation of the accreditation documents for the new Joint Master


                      Curriculum design and development

                        T2.1 Design of the new Joint Master Programme on Food Safety

                        T2.2 Development of new learning materials

                        T2.3 Development and installation of an e-learning space, and content uploading

                        T2.4 Installation of food safety labs and workstations


                        Training of Teachers (ToT)

                          T3.1 Planning of ToT plan and development of training materials

                          T3.2 Teachers training

                          T3.3 MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) development and implementation

                          Elite veneers


                          Pilot implementation of the Master Programme

                            T4.1 Announcement of the new joint Master at the 4 Moroccan HEIs

                            T4.2 Selection of students

                            T4.3 Joint Master Programme Implementation

                            T4.4 Monitoring of Master implementation

                            Elite veneers


                            Quality evaluation

                              T5.1 Internal Quality Assurance

                              T5.2 Quality Evaluation by an External Advisory Board

                              Elite veneers


                              Dissemination & Exploitation strategies

                                T6.1 Dissemination and Exploitation plan

                                T6.2 Creation of digital spaces, dissemination and exploitation activities and materials

                                T6.3 Development of a collaborative network

                                Elite veneers


                                Project Management

                                  T7.1 Project Start-Up

                                  T7.2 Project coordination

                                  T7.3 Administrative, logistic and financial management

                                  T7.4 Project closure

                                  Follow us

                                  This project has been funded with support from the European Union. This website reflects the view only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. The project number is 618518-EPP-T-2020-1-PT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP