Research Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety
University of Barcelona (INSA-UB)
About our organization
The Research Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety at the University of Barcelona (INSA-UB) is a multidisciplinary research and education institution devoted to Nutrition, Food Safety, Food Science, Food Control, and Food Knowledge. It was established in 2005 to cope with society demands and needs in research, training and services sectors related to the food industry. INSA-UB researchers are affiliated to the faculties of Pharmacy and Food Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Medicine and Geography and History. For more than 15 years, INSA-UB has been successfully developing fruitful research lines, in parallel to an outstanding academic activity at all levels of specialized education (degrees, masters and doctorate programs).
Why we are partecipating in the project
INSA-UB foresees as crucial the natural transformation of undergraduate students into the next generation of researchers, and aims at promoting and lead specialized education in Food and Nutrition Sciences. North Africa is among INSA-UB’s international focus due to the importance of the AgriFood sector for the countries in the Mediterranean area and the implication of Europe in the social and economic development on those countries.
Our role in the project
INSA-UB will contribute to the Moroccan teachers training to build capacities, to improve scientific and technical knowledge and to be able to transfer it to the labour market. It will also participate in the Master implementation. INSA researchers are experts in various aspects of nutrition, food safety, food analysis and food control. Accordingly, our collaboration in this project reinforces the scientific pedagogical component of the project.
Our Team
Rosa M Lamuela-Raventos, PhD
INSA-UB Director; Full Professor
Susana Guix, PhD
INSA-UB Secretary; Associate Professor
Montserrat Riu, PhD
Associate Professor
Rafael Llorach, PhD
Associate Professor
Mireia Urpí, PhD
Associate Professor; Coordinator of the Human Nutrition and Dietetics Bachelor’s Degree
Maria Izquierdo, PhD
Full Professor; Director of the Department of Nutrition, Food Sciences and Gastronomy
MCarmen Vidal-Carou, PhD
Full Professor; Coordinator of the Food Safety Master’s Degree
Mariluz Latorre, PhD
Lecturer Professor
This project has been funded with support from the European Union. This website reflects the view only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. The project number is 618518-EPP-T-2020-1-PT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP