Enhancing Food Safety
in the Mediterranean
What FoSaMed aims to do
The main goal of the FoSaMed project is the implementation of a new joint Master’s programme on food safety.
FoSaMed brings together 4 Moroccan Higher Education institutions and 3 European partners promoting inclusive education through curriculum development and teacher education on food safety.
The objectives of the FoSaMed project include to qualify Moroccan academics for modern and innovative teaching methodologies, to support Moroccan HEIs in designing a Master Programme on food safety associated to the recovery and promotion of the traditional Mediterranean diet and to short food supply chains, and to contribute to inclusive higher education, which integrates underprivileged groups, such as women, rural populations and refugees and gives them equal access to knowledge and the opportunities it brings.
What FoSaMed aims to do
FoSaMed aims to bring together Moroccan HEIs that promote inclusive education through curriculum development and teacher education on food safety.
The main specific objective of the project is the development of a joint Master’s Programme, within the curricula of the IAV, ENA, IBN and UMP that will receive the support of the project coordinator the University of Évora (UEVORA) together with the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Mediterranean Universities Union (UNIMED).
The Fosamed Master’s Degree

MOOC on “Healthy, safe and sustainable food in the Mediterranean” ready to use
Another important innovative pedagogical tool is ready for use. Fosamed has implemented a MOOC on "Healthy, safe and sustainable food in the Mediterranean" to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. The...
Partnership for the Goals: Improving Food Safety in the Mediterranean
On the 15th of October 2024, the Fosamed project – Enhancing Food Safety in the Mediterranean – will be celebrating years...
Fosamed celebrates its Master’s in Oujda. The second semester is underway!
From 26th to 29th February 2024, the Fosamed family gathered in Oujda, Morocco, at the home of our partner Université Mohammed Premier. Since the start of the Master's, this was the first opportunity to meet and celebrate together this key achievement in the life...

This project has been funded with support from the European Union. This website reflects the view only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. The project number is 618518-EPP-T-2020-1-PT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP