On the 15th of October 2024, the Fosamed project – Enhancing Food Safety in the Mediterranean – will be celebrating years of work together for food safety in the Mediterranean.
“Partnership for the Goals: Improving Food Safety in the Mediterranean” is an initiative of UNIMED, the Union for the Mediterranean, the PRIMA Foundation and the Fosamed project, organised for the completion of the Fosamed project, which will end in November 2024.
The event takes place on the15th October 2024 at UfM Headquarters, Barcelona, Spain.
Running from January 2021 to November 2024, the Erasmus+ funded project Fosamed brought together Moroccan universities promoting inclusive education through curriculum development and teacher education on food safety, namely Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II (IAV), National School of Agriculture (ENA), Ibn Tofail University (IBN) and Mohammed I University (UMP). The project coordinator is the University of Évora (UEVORA), EU partners are the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Mediterranean Universities Union (UNIMED). Its main achievement is the launch of a Master’s Programme on Food Safety in Morocco in the four Moroccan universities partnering in the project.
Now it is time to draw conclusions, capitalise on the results and build on the lessons learnt during 3 (and more) wonderful years of constructive discussions, in-depth training, fruitful and enjoyable relationships. The starting point is to continue to strengthen relations with relevant stakeholders in the region and join efforts for change for the better.
The Mediterranean region faces unique challenges that require a collaborative and integrated approach. The Mediterranean Universities Union (UNIMED), the Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA) and the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) are key entities committed to promoting research, higher education and regional cooperation. In particular, it is worth mentioning the UfM research and innovation (R&I) Roadmaps on climate change, renewable energies, and health, recognized in the UfM Ministerial Declaration of 2022. The roadmaps are needed to turn agreed priorities into specific actions engaging actors at large in the region.
This initiative is an opportunity to join forces and catalyze concrete actions to address the region’s environmental, social and economic challenges. It aims to promote cooperation and synergy between UfM, PRIMA, UNIMED and the Fosamed project, in order to address common challenges in the region and promote sustainable food systems in the Mediterranean.
It occurs during the 8th edition of the Erasmus Days, the annual international celebration of the projects and opportunities proposed by the Erasmus+ programme.