On October 12th, the National Erasmus+ Office of Morocco organised an online cluster meeting of the new CBHE projects selected on 2020 “FoSaMed, WEMag, ENHANCE, AgriENGAGE, MatthiCs & ICFAL”.
The first year being a capital step in the project life-cycle the cluster meeting aimed to:
- Identify the activities carried out and the obstacles encountered;
- Share knowledge and good practices and create synergies between new and old projects, particularly on cross-cutting issues: dissemination, communication, promotion, impact and sustainability, etc.
- Better understand the activities to come;
- Create and consolidate a national network between projects.
Prof. Saadia Zrira from the Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II (IAV) attended the meeting on behalf of the consortium and delivered an inspiring and exhaustive presentation of the FoSaMed project.
Have a look at the presentation to find out more on the project’s partnership, activities, objectives, results and encountered challenges. (allegato Présentation FoSaMed Cluster meeting.ppt)
Here you can consult the enlightening presentation by the Moroccan National Erasmus Officer, who explained in depth all the aspects related to the administrative and financial management, quality assurance, training, visibility and promotion, valorisation, impact and sustainability, monitoring, difficulties, limits and recommendations. (allegato NEO_CM3)