On May 10th and 11th, FoSaMed partner universities spent two intensive days at the University of Evora to take stock of the activities developed in the first year of the project’s life and discuss future steps.
On the first day, the Master Programme Plan was reviewed and refined. Everything is ready to submit the FoSaMed Master’s dossier and keep fingers crossed for the accreditation results. Partners are excited to launch the dissemination of the Master among students and strongly believe in the quality of the educational offer elaborated.
The Training of Teachers was also discussed and a third webinar is planned on May 30th in the framework of the Green Week. Further info can be found here.
The implementation of the Quality and Dissemination Plan engaged all partners in an active discussion to ensure a smooth development of the activities. Further commitments were established and many creative ideas came out.
The meeting in Evora was also the occasion to discover the university and its labs, the Mitra campus, in addition to the amazing treasure of the territory,the historic centre of the village and archaeological sites.
Many things are moving in the FoSaMed field, and many other need to be conceived: looking forward to seeing the FoSaMed Master running!