FoSaMed – Enhancing Food Safety in the Mediterranean

Hosting institution

Contact e-mail address:

Background and objectives

Agriculture and food production are crucial sectors that play an essential role in providing food security and nourishment to our ever-growing global population. This Congress aims to bring together leading researchers, industry experts, and policymakers to exchange knowledge and ideas on the latest advances in agrifood research and innovation. The event provides a unique opportunity to discuss challenges facing the industry, explore emerging trends, and identify solutions to the complex issues related to food industry. We hope that this Congress will promote collaboration between different stakeholders and stimulate new initiatives that contribute to more sustainable and resilient food systems. We look forward to productive discussions and fruitful outcomes from this gathering.

Call for papers

We invite researchers and professionals to submit their paper or poster proposals to the FoSaMed International Conference. Contributions from original results of empirical, conceptual, or experimental research work in the broad area of food safety are most welcome for presentation.

Broad topics and themes for the conference include, but not limited to:

  • Food quality and safety
  • Innovation in food processing
  • Risk management in the food industry
  • Product traceability
  • Agro-ecology and sustainable farming practices
  • Agrifood business
  • Consumer and market trends
  • Food production and processing practices
  • Food and health
  • Ethical aspects in the food industry
  • Institutions and food control system in Morocco

Important dates

Abstract submission deadline: 15th October
Abstract acceptance: 30th October
Conference registration: 30th October to 15th November through the QR code below or using this link

Conference dates: 28 and 29 November, 2023
Deadline for submission of full papers: 31st January 2024

Submission requirements

The abstracts should be submitted on EasyChair

Fill in and upload the abstract using this template. Please (i) add the authors, their email addresses, and affiliations; (ii) complete the title, the abstract and the keywords; (iii) choose the type of presentation (oral or poster) and identify the topic.


Languages for submission and presentation of papers

English and French (the congress does not offer simultaneous translation service).


Are you going to deliver an oral presentation? 

Please download here the template for oral presentations.


Are you going to present a poster?

Please download here the template for posters.


Organising Committee

Local Organising Committee from UIT, Kenitra, Morocco:

Abdelaziz Chaouch

El Mahjoub Aouane

Youssef Abousaleh

Rachid Bengueddour

Brahim Bourkhis

Nabyl Berrid

Mohammed Bouziani

Said Chakiri

Larbi El ouahidi

Karima Essalmaoui

Amar Habsaoui

Laamari Hlou

Driss Hmouni

Sultana Inekach


Sakina Lahmidi

Nabil Layachi

Driss Moumen

Mohammed Ouhssine

Keltoum Rahali

Amine Rkhaila

Rajaa Seghiri

Younes Taboz

Malika Tiskar

Ismail Zidane

Aziz Ettahir

Hamid Remli

Zouhir Sadoune

Abdellatif Bour

General coordination:

El Mahjoub Aouane (IBN Tofail University)

Abdelaziz Chaouch (IBN Tofail University)

Sónia Bombico (University of Évora – CIDEHUS & MED/CHANGE)

Marta Laranjo (University of Évora – MED/CHANGE)

Ludovica De Benedetti (UNIMED)

Honorary Committee

    Pr. Abdellatif Miraoui (Minister of Higher Education, Morroco)
    Pr. Mohamed Larbi Kerkeb (President of the IBN Tofail University)
    Pr. Mohamed Ebn Touhami (Dean of the Faculty of Sciences, Kenitra)
    Pr- Mohamed Chafik El Idrissi (Directir of ENSA, Kenitra)

    Scientific Committee

    Abdelaziz Chaouch (UIT, Kenitra, Morocco)

    El Mahjoub Aouane (UIT, Kenitra, Morocco)

    Youssef Abousaleh (UIT, Kenitra, Morocco)

    Rachid Bengueddour (UIT, Kenitra, Morocco)

    Brahim Bourkhis (UIT, Kenitra, Morocco)

    Said Chakiri (UIT, Kenitra, Morocco)

    Larbi El ouahidi (UIT, Kenitra, Morocco)

    Karima Essalmaoui (UIT, Kenitra, Morocco)

    Amar Habsaoui (UIT, Kenitra, Morocco)

    Tarik Ouchbani (Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II, Morocco)

    Aadil Bajoub (National School of Agriculture, Meknès, Morocco)

    Ibrahim Toufik (National School of Agriculture, Meknès, Morocco)

    Hssaine Boualam (National School of Agriculture, Meknès, Morocco)

    Ennahli Said (National School of Agriculture, Meknès, Morocco)

    Laamari Hlou (UIT, Kenitra, Morocco)

    Driss Hmouni (UIT, Kenitra, Morocco)

    Sakina Lahmidi (UIT, Kenitra, Morocco)

    Mohammed Ouhssine (UIT, Kenitra, Morocco)

    Keltoum Rahali (UIT, Kenitra, Morocco)

    Rajaa Sghiri (UIT, Kenitra, Morocco)

    Ismail Zidane (UIT, Kenitra, Morocco)

    Saadia Zriza (Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II, Morocco)

    Idrissi Idrissia Janati (Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II, Morocco)

    Khadija Lamrani (Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II, Morocco)

    Ajal Amine (Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Rabat, Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco)

    Abdeslam Asehraou (University Mohammed Premier, Morocco)

    Bouchra El Guerrouj (University Mohammed Premier, Morocco)

    Ennouamane Saalaoui (University Mohammed Premier, Morocco)

    Redouane Benabbes (University Mohammed Premier, Morocco)

    Marta Laranjo (MED/CHANGE – Universidade de Évora, Portugal)

    Miguel Elias (MED/CHANGE – Universidade de Évora, Portugal)

    Cristina Queiroga (MED/CHANGE – Universidade de Évora, Portugal)

    Ana Cristina Arguilheiro Santos (MED/CHANGE – Universidade de Évora, Portugal)

    Susana Guix Arnau (University of Barcelona, Spain)

    Francisco Perez-Cano (University of Barcelona, Spain)

    Cristina Garcia (University of Barcelona, Spain)

    Doctoral Committe

      Azeddine Aiyar
      Brahim Ouakhazan
      Choukri El Manjra
      El Aboubi Meriam
      Elbachir Bourouah
      Elmoukharbich Abdelkader
      Farima Ezzahra Achibat
      Hajar Kodad
      Khadija Atfaoui
      Laila Ibouyen
      Mariem Ilamas
      Rabab Zaki


        Joan Romanyà

        Soil Science Professor
        University of Barcelona (UB)

        Thaer Yaseen

        Regional Officer for Plant Protection and Production
        Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

        Hamid Felloun

        Director of FENAGRI
        FENAGRI – Fédération Nationale de l’Agroalimentaire

        Logistical information


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        This project has been funded with support from the European Union. This website reflects the view only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. The project number is 618518-EPP-T-2020-1-PT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP