Agriculture and food production are crucial sectors that play an essential role in providing food security and nourishment to our ever-growing global population.
In this framework, Fosamed organises the First International Conference on Food Safety on the 28-29 November 2023 with the aim to bring together leading researchers, industry experts, and policymakers to exchange knowledge and ideas on the latest advances in agrifood research and innovation.
The event is kindly hosted by the Ibn Tofail University of Kenitra, one of the partners of the FoSaMed project, and provides a unique opportunity to discuss challenges facing the industry, explore emerging trends, and identify solutions to the complex issues related to food industry.
Researchers and professionals are invited to submit their paper or poster proposals to the FoSaMed International Conference by October 15th. Contributions from original results of empirical, conceptual, or experimental research work in the broad area of food safety are most welcome for presentation. Broad topics and themes for the conference include, but are not limited to:
- Food quality and safety
- Innovation in food processing
- Risk management in the food industry
- Product traceability
- Agro-ecology and sustainable farming practices
- Agrifood business
- Consumer and market trends
- Food production and processing practices
- Food and health
- Ethical aspects in the food industry
- Institutions and food control system in Morocco
The abstracts must be submitted on EasyChair. Fill in and upload the abstract using this template. You need to (i) add the authors, email address, and affiliation; (ii) complete the title, the abstract and the keywords; (iii) choose the type of presentation (oral or poster) and identify the topic. Further information can be found here
The event is organised under the patronage of PRIMA Foundation and the Union for the Mediterranean.
Looking forward to productive discussions and fruitful outcomes to promote collaboration between different stakeholders and to stimulate new initiatives that contribute to more sustainable and resilient food systems.
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